Funding Year 2018
Project: 18/1 |
Behavioural response to juvenile distress calls as measure of parental care in crocodilians.
Student: |
Lydia Giddings (UK)

University of Bristol
Status: |
Completed (Final Report)
Project: 18/2 |
Population structure and genetics of Crocodylus moreletii in the Calakmul Eco-region, Campeche, Mexico. |
Student: |
José António Lemos Barão Nóbrega (Portugal)

University of Salford/Operation Wallacea
Status: |
Completed (Final Report)
Project: 18/3 |
Using local ecological knowledge to assess the status
and threats of the Critically Endangered Chinese
alligator. |
Student: |
Jonathan Rio (UK)
Imperial College London
Status: |
Completed (Final Report)
Project: 18/4 |
Molecular characterization of Caiman crocodilus fuscus in the Magdalena River (Prado and Purificación Municipalities) in Colombia.
Student: |
Diana Maria Diaz Moreno (Colombia)

Universidad del Tolima
Status: |
Completed (Final Report)
Project: 18/5 FHVS-SRAS |
Establishing crocodilian genital differentiation:
New approaches investigating hatchling
Alligator mississippiensis sexual dimorphisms. |
Student: |
Kathryn Wayne (USA)

Sewanee: The University of the South
Status: |
Project: 18/6 |
Population status and evaluation of nest temperatures of the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in a central coast lagoon in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Student: |
René Barragán Lara (Mexico) |

Instituto Politecnico Nacional
Status: |
Completed (Final Report)
Project: 18/7 |
Stable isotopes of wild Nile crocodiles as a trace for
pollution in the upper Olifants River, South Africa. |
Student: |
Albert Myburgh (South Africa)

University of Pretoria
Status: |
Completed (Final Report)
Project: 18/8 |
The bacterial and fungal bionomics of the Crocodylus
niloticus egg in relation to the microstructure of the
eggshell. |
Student: |
Antoinette Lensink (South Africa)

University of Pretoria and Exotic Leather Research Centre
Status: |
Completed (Final Report)
Project: 18/9 |
Species delimitation of the Caiman crocodilus complex (Crocodylia, Alligatoridae): Towards an integrative taxonomic approach.
Student: |
Igor Joventino Roberto (Brazil)

Universidade Federal do Amazonas
Status: |
Completed (Final Report)
Project: 18/10 |
Population dynamics of Caiman latirostris: Development of a model for its conservation, incorporating possible scenarios of climate change and sustainable use. |
Student: |
Evangelina del Valle Viotto (Argentina)
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba
Status: |
Completed (Final Report)
Project: 18/11 FHVS-SRAS
Analysis of antibiotic sensitivity profiles in Escherichia coli isolates obtained from the cloacas of American crocodiles (Crocodylus acutus) captured in tilapia ponds in Canas Guanacaste, Costa Rica. |
Student: |
Veronica Arias Perez (Costa Rica)
Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Status: |
Completed (Final Report Sp; Final Report En)
Project: 18/12 |
Population status of Morelet's crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) in the Usumacinta River basin.
Student: |
Carlos Flores Escalona (Mexico)
University Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco
Status: |
Completed (Final Report)
Project: 18/13 |
Acoustic characterization of the alarm calls of Morelet's crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) in acoustically contrasting environments.
Student: |
Sofia Perez Cruz (Mexico)
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
Status: |
Project: 18/14 |
Population abundance of Crocodylus acutus and zoning of risk areas in Osumacinta, Chiapas, Mexico.
Student: |
Diego Pacheco Gordillo (Mexico)
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana
Status: |
Completed (Final Report)
Project: 18/15 |
Population genetic ecology of Caiman latirostris and Caiman yacare: Variation and hybridization.
Student: |
Gualberto Pacheco Sierra (Mexico)

Universidad Autonoma de Entre Rios and (CICYTTP) CONICET
Status: |
Completed (Final Report)
Project: 18/16 |
Building an evidence base for Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) conservation in Nepal.
Student: |
Phoebe Griffith (UK)
University of Oxford
Status: |
Completed (Final Report)
Project: 18/17 |
Use of soy (Glycine max) to supplement feeds of Caiman latirostris for commercial purposes.
Student: |
Samuel Hilevski (Venezuela)

Universidad Nacional del Litoral
Status: |
Completed (Final Report)
Project: 18/18 |
Ecology, conservation and management of birds and crocodiles of the Ruzizi Plains, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Student: |
Alexis Bashonga Bishobibiri (DRC)

University of Burundi
Status: |
Completed (Final Report)
Project: 18/19 |
Developing adaptive conservation strategies for crocodile species under climate scenarios in Benin (West Africa).
Student: |
Ridwane Bio Oure (Benin)

University of Parakou
Status: |
Completed (Final Report)
Project: 18/20 |
Consumer's acceptance of an innovative crocodile meat product as a sustainable protein source.
Student: |
Nerike Uys (South Africa)

University of Pretoria
Status: |
Completed (Final Report)
Project: 18/21 |
Ecology and conservation of the Critically Endangered Philippine crocodile.
Student: |
Joseph Brown (USA)
University of Oklahoma
Status: |
Completed (Final Report)