
Funding Year 2020

Project: 20/1 Gharial recruitment at Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, North India: Augmentation with an in-situ riverside hatchery, and pre-monsoon hatchling release.
Student: Gaurav Vashistha (India)
Institution(s): University of Delhi
Status: Completed (Final Report)

Project: 20/2
Ultrasonographic features of the liver, spleen and gallbladder of sub-adult Philippine (Crocodylus mindorensis) and Saltwater (C. porosus) crocodiles.
Student: Elyn Buitizon (Philippines)
Institution(s): University of the Philippines - Los Baños
Status: Completed (Final Report)

Project: 20/3
Ultrasonographic features of the urogenital organs in sub-adult Saltwater (Crocodylus porosus) and Philippine (C. mindorensis) crocodiles.
Student: Celia Setias (Philippines)
Institution(s): University of the Philippines - Los Baños
Status: Completed (Final Report)

Project: 20/4 Revitalizing conservation and management of the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in the Dominican Republic.
Student: Robert Greco (USA)
Institution(s): University of North Florida
Status: Completed (Final Report)

Project: 20/5 Understanding the mechanisms of West Nile virus (WNV) infection and induced lesions in Crocodylus porosus.
Student: Gervais Habarugira (Rwanda)

Institution(s): The University of Queensland
Status: Ongoing

Project: 20/6 Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus): Population status and habitat mapping in the Babai River, Bardia, Nepal.
Student: Surakchya Paudel (Nepal)
Institution(s): Tribuwan University
Status: Completed (Final Report)

Project: 20/7 Metal contamination and ecotoxicological effects on Caiman latirostris (Daudin, 1802) (Crocodylia, Alligatoridae) in lentic ecosystems of Atlantic forest in northeastern Brazil.
Student: Rayssa Santos (Brazil)
Institution(s): Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Universidade  Federal Rural de Pernambuco
Status: Completed (Final Report)

Project: 20/8 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) study of male crocodylian anatomy.
Student: Milan Piva (USA)
Institution(s): University of Missouri
Status: Ongoing

Project: 20/9 Ecology and genetic diversity of Paleosuchus palpebrosus in the Cerrado biodiversity hotspot: Conservation of an iconic apex predator in rare aquatic environments in Central Brazil Highlands.
Student: Jose Marcos Abreu (Brazil)
Institution(s): University of Brasilia
Status: Ongoing

Project: 20/10 Effects of maternal hormonal-epigenetic investment and climatic variables on sex determination of Caiman latirostris.
Student: Florencia Valli (Argentina)
Institution(s): Centro de Investigación Científica y de Transferencia Tecnológica a la Producción/Proyecto Yacaré
Status: Ongoing

Project: 20/11 Effects of visual separation on raising hatching Saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus).
Student: Sophie Tournier (France)
Institution(s): National Institute of Agronomy and Food Science
Status: Completed (Final Report)

Project: 20/12 Associations between environmental contaminant exposure and DNA methylation in Nile crocodiles (Crocodylus niloticus).   
Student: Nicci Buys (South Africa)
Institution(s): University of Pretoria
Status: Ongoing

Project: 20/13 Linking habitat protection, local communities livelihoods, and conservation of caimans in Brazilian northeast Atlantic forest.
Student: Gabriela Gama (Brazil)
Institution(s): Federal University of Minas Gerais
Status: Ongoing

Project: 20/14 Status and conservation threats of Crocodylus palustris in Ghodaghodi lake complex of Kailali District, Nepal.
Student: Saurav Lamichhane (Nepal)
Institution(s): Agriculture and Forestry University
Status: Completed (Final Report)

Project: 20/15 Development of molecular methods to obtain barcodes applicable to forensic studies of caimans.
Student: Paula Martin (Argentina)
Institution(s): National University of the Littoral
Status: Completed (Final Report)

Project: 20/16 Atypical morphology in caimans of Hidroprado Dam, Colombia: Intraspecific hybridization, morphological variation and genetics.
Student: Sigifredo Clavijo Garzon (Colombia)
Institution(s): University of Tolima
Status: Ongoing

Project: 20/17 The socioeconomic relationship between communities on the southern coast of Jalisco and wild Crocodylus acutus populations.
Student: Ricardo Ojeda Adame (Mexico)
Institution(s): University of Guadalajara
Status: Completed (Final Report)

Project: 20/18 Distribution, status and conservation threats to Mugger crocodile (Crocodylus palustris) in the Koshi River, Nepal.
Student: Divya Bhattarai (Nepal)
Institution(s): Agriculture and Forestry University
Status: Completed (Final Report)

Project: 20/19 Population trends and stress due to tourism with caimans in the Anavilhanas National Park, Central Amazonia.
Student: Washington Da Silva Mendonça (Brazil)
Institution(s): Amazonas Federal University
Status: Completed (Final Report)

Project: 20/20 Knowledge and perceptions of inhabitants of two communities on crocodiles in the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve.
Student: Javier Benitez Moreno (Mexico)
Institution(s): Frontera Sur College
Status: Completed (Final Report)

Project: 20/21 Population estimation and dynamics of Caiman crocodilus in waterbodies of Ejido la Polka, Tonalá Municipality, Chiapas.
Student: Marcos Cigarroa (Mexico)
Institution(s): Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas
Status: Completed (Final Report)

Project: 20/22 Conservation of threatened crocodile species in the agropastoral dams of Benin (Western Africa).
Student: Mariano Aloukpe (Benin)
Institution(s): University of Abomey-Calavi
Status: Ongoing

Project: 20/23 Assessing Human-crocodile conflict, people’s perceptions, and raising awareness for the conservation of Muggers of Ghodaghodi.
Tank Rawal (Nepal)
Institution(s): Tribhuwan University
Status: Ongoing