Thematic Groups
CSG IUCN Red List Authority
The CSG's IUCN Red List Authority (RLA) coordinates and structures CSG’s activities providing crocodilian species assessments for the IUCN Red List. Under the direction and authority of the CSG chair, the RLA solicits expert assessors from CSG membership to provide evaluation of crocodilians and apply the IUCN list criteria. The RLA coordinates the entry of information to the IUCN Species Information System data base, internal review of assessments, the Chair and Steering Committee’s approval and submission to the Red List. The RLA maintains contact with Species Survival Commission staff, ensures timely response to Red List inquiries and serves as a liaison to the IUCN. |
The goal of the Industry Thematic Group is to support the management of renewable crocodilian populations and ensure the trade is legal, sustainable and verifiable. It works to further streamline and expedite CITES as well as improve conservation education and enhance community benefits. The trade workshops conducted during regular CSG meetings, and intersessional meetings with industry leaders, provide ongoing forums to discuss, update and set priorities.
Legal Affairs
The Legal Affairs Thematic Group addresses the broad range of legal issues facing the CSG and its members, from assisting with organizational and administrative documents and responsibilities of the Specialist Group itself to reviewing laws, requirements and legal standards being applied to or questioned by members with regards to the conservation and sustainable use of crocodilian species. The group works closely with the CITES Thematic Group, but also addresses national legislative developments, trends in industry and in some cases specific claims or concerns relating to particular actions or situations. The Vice Chair for Legal Affairs, Curt Harbsmeier, is a qualified lawyer.
Trade Monitoring
All crocodilians are listed on the CITES Appendices. CITES Parties that trade in crocodilians and their parts and derivatives are therefore required to provide information in their annual reports to the CITES Secretariat. The UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) maintain these data on a computerised database in Cambridge, UK; this data set stretches back to 1975. The Trade Monitoring group of the CSG regularly assesses world trade in crocodilians and reports annually on changes and trends in the trade, thanks to funding from the Louisiana Fur and Alligator Advisory Council.
Veterinary Science
The CSG Veterinary Science group provides a platform for the exchange of and access to specific veterinary knowledge, and advises the CSG on veterinary matters related to crocodilian conservation.
Documents and resources posted by the CSG Veterinary Science Group are now available on the website.
In honour of the late Dr. Fritz Huchzermeyer, the CSG Veterinary Science Group established the "Fritz Huchzermeyer Veterinary Science Research Assistance Scheme"
(FHVSRAS). Click here
for details.
The CSG Zoos Thematic Group serves to promote and positively influence the conservation of crocodilians through cooperative involvement with zoos, environmental educators and other like-minded organizations. It communicates the CSG’s conservation philosophy and emphasizes its successes, provides zoos and educational programs with scientific and technical expertise and, establishes, promotes, and facilitates collaborative programs between zoos, zoological professionals, and field conservation programs. |